Uncommon Thinking

Marketing is all about making yourself prominent. But we know that before every “PT Barnum Moment” in the spotlight occurs, there are many an hour spent laying the groundwork for it all to go just right. Whether it’s developing a comprehensive direct response plan, navigating the intricacies of a multi-platform media plan or analyzing, understanding and applying the state of the art analytics, we’ve been there, done that and will do it for you. From PT Barnum to SEO, CRM and ROI, we’ll make sure you, your product and your big moment live up to expectations.

The American Marketing Association defines marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.” Ahem. While we’re sure the AMA is a fine association, we think that type of talk is best reserved for textbooks and talking heads. In the real world, marketing means doing whatever it takes to get the product (yours) and person (your target) the same page. And quite frankly, this process tends to defy definition.

Does creating an event invitation that required RSVP by carrier pigeon fall into that definition of marketing? What about creating a tradeshow event so intriguing, even the competition showed up “just to see where all their customers had gone”? Or how about this current winter, when we’re holding impromptu “Cash Cab” style quiz shows on a moving chairlift? While they might not defy definition, they’re all a part of how we define marketing. No matter what your marketing needs are, we’ll help you execute ‘em…even if neither one of us can define us.